
Citizens of the United States



Pride of Humanity Month

WHEREAS, there is still a need to rid our society of racism, sexism and homophobia

WHEREAS, the division between race, religion, politics and cultures are negatively affecting the relationships of Humanity

WHEREAS, there is a need to reclaim the spirit of “being our brother’s keeper”

WHEREAS, neighbor helping neighbor is the simplest way to meet the needs of others

WHEREAS, each local community can conveniently and economically do for their neighbors what government agencies cannot do

WHEREAS, serving one another is the best way to show kindness, compassion and concern for others

WHEREAS, meeting the needs of others, is an effective way to uplift the underprivileged and brings out the best in Humanity

WHEREAS, the Pride of Humanity Month is committed to addressing the need to heal the racial and cultural divide by serving one another

WHEREAS, the Pride of Humanity Month is committed to bridging the gap of misunderstanding by encouraging the sponsorship of Unity Dinners & Luncheons

WHEREAS, the Pride of Humanity Month include the participation of schools, colleges, individuals, corporations, organizations, churches, Mosque and Synagogues who are committed to community service

WHEREAS, the Pride of Humanity Month encourages participants to serve those who may not look like them, think like them, act like them, or worship like them

WHEREAS, the Pride of Humanity Month is the only international celebration that celebrates all of Humanity and the good in Humanity whether the groups or individuals are old or young, male or female, gay or straight, Jew or Muslim, Christian or Atheist, black or white or any other ethnic group or individual

WHEREAS, the Pride of Humanity Month is committed to working with, and partnering with other community service organizations e.g. Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, United Way, Salvation Army, World Vision, Red Cross, Catholic Charities and others

AND WHEREAS, the organizers of the Pride of Humanity Month recognize that God loves all of Humanity

NOW, THEREFORE, we the Citizens of the United States do hereby proudly proclaim the month of April 2017 as Pride of Humanity Month.

Signed this 1st day of July 2016

Citizens of the United States

Tacoma Proclamation

Tacoma Proclamation