Because of the Color of Their Skin

Wayne's new DVD, "Because of the Color of their Skin" is now available!

This DVD documentary highlights some of the events that shaped the lives of African Americans during the past 395 years. Highlights include: the Middle Passage, the Civil War, Jim Crow, and events in education, sports, entertainment, the military, politics, and the role of the black church.

The records will show that the first slave ship arrive in Jamestown in 1619 - which makes the year 2014 the 395th anniversary when the relationship between blacks and whites first began in the country that we now call America.

This DVD was produced for educational purposes only, and is intended to be used in class room settings in schools, churches, colleges and community organizations.

While a limited supply of DVD's are for a minimal charge of $1.00, generous donations ($50 suggested) are appreciated. Donations may be made on our Donate page on this site.

You may order the DVD from our Store site listed below, or if you would like a special quantity of DVD's please contact us. See the Contact Us page.

"this is the only black history documentary in the world that covers 395 years of black history in the U.S from 1619-2014."

Watch the Trailer!

Order yours now from our store at God's Humanity Store.


Comments From Mercer Island Police Chief, Ed Holmes

From: Ed Holmes <>

To: doublebro <>

Sent: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 9:35 pm

Subject: Re:

Hi Wayne,

First let me thank you again for extending the invitation to me. I was very moved as I watched and learned history in a way I had never seen before. You did an amazing job on this project, and I could tell that you were speaking from your heart. I sat next to one of my officers who was in tears during the documentary. She and I were at a complete loss for words by the end of it.

We call ourselves the "United" States of America, but we are often times anything but united. Your documentary exposes a very sad and ugly side of this country. A side that is quickly passed over / ignored in schools, public forums, and yes - even in our police academies.

I referred to your documentary last week at a regional Police Chiefs' meeting. The topic of the shooting in Ferguson came up for discussion. Some of the Chiefs talked about body - worn cameras for police officers as a way to instill more accountability and to give the public more confidence. I told the others that cameras were not the issue we should be focussing on. Instead we should be focused on how we can establish meaningful relationships with our communities - particularly with our communities of color (you made this point at the end of the documentary). I mentioned your documentary, and how it highlighted for me the urgent need for us to make some true changes to how we do policing, and how we establish public trust. I went on for quite a while, but others soon joined me in supporting the idea that we need to take action.

Ed Holmes

Mercer Island Chief of Police

From: Ed Holmes <>

To: doublebro <>

Sent: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 9:35 pm

Subject: Re:

MISD Letter